You may wonder why small ranchers are so passionate about their farming, use of regenerative agriculture, and animal husbandry. The simple answer was well put by the great John Dutton of Yellowstone, “Because it’s one hell of a life Tate, it’s one hell of a life.” Here at Goliath Land and Cattle we strive to produce the best grass-fed beef by delicately tending to our land in order to produce the best grass. Supporting small ranchers gives us more opportunity to see new calves born and continue to witness God’s beautiful earth in action. When you sit down to eat grass-fed beef, you can have the peace of mind knowing exactly where it came from. The goal of Goliath Land and Cattle is to give families across central Texas access to that peace of mind.

Family Farms across America still exists in people’s minds through Christmas cards and TV, but the reality is they have been declining for many generations. The number of acres farmed here in America is expected to decrease more than 3% between 2012-2027. Currently there are approximately two million family farms spread out over 900 million acres in the U.S. On average each of these farms are capable of producing enough feed and fiber to support approximately 155 people. If you do the math, the numbers just don’t add up. We don’t produce enough food here in America to feed ourselves let alone keep up with our exports or feed the illegal immigrants that we have in this country. There must be action taken in order to have and keep local, safe beef alive. When you have the choice of what to buy, support your local farmers and choose grass-fed. Choose Goliath Land & Cattle!